ok im gg to isolate myself from all sorts of recreation and good food for the next torturous 8 days.
in case u hav no clue wat has happened to me.
its called Gynecomastia.
-Gynecomastia is a condition in which firm breast tissue forms in males. The breast tissue is usually less than 1-1/2 inches across and is located directly under the nipple. Gynecomastia may be present on one side or on both sides.
-Gynecomastia is usually caused by changes in hormones at puberty or as part of aging. Hormones are chemicals produced by the glands of the body, such as the thyroid gland, the testes and the ovaries. Gynecomastia may be caused by changes in the balance of 2 hormones, estrogen and testosterone.
-Gynecomastia affects an estimated 40 to 60 percent of men. It may affect only one breast or both. Though certain drugs and medical problems have been linked with male breast overdevelopment, there is no known cause in the vast majority of cases.
-The procedure is done through a small incision at the border of the nipple complex, and the glandular tissue is carefully removed. Liposuction is then used to contour the chest and increase muscle definition. The end result is a chest that is flatter, firmer, and better contoured.
Many men have gynecomastia - enlarged, female-like breasts -causes by excess glandular tissue or fat (or both).

i went for the day surgery yesterday. and got discharge on the day itself. of which 1137bucks of the taxpayers money depleted.
and it bled so badly yesterday night while sleeping dat almost the whole left side of my shirt was stained with blood
thus i went to a GP this morning to remove the blood-soaked dressing. or shd i say blood-dripping dressing.
horror of the horrors. the blood was oozing out like nobodies business.
they told me usually it can result in terrible embarrassment, teasing, and social trauma. but who cares? i mean. we r oredi headin towards 2007. its not as if i contracted aids and tryin my best to hide the truth from my frenz dat i got it from a bangla orgy. and moreover, the lunps hav been surgically and permantly removed. its not gonna affect me anymore. so to those whose giggling away in front of the monitor, bah~ i hope u bite ur lips terribly on ur next sumptous meal.
so other than wellwishes, please do not sms and involve me in any cool funky activities within this 2 weeks.
( please keep rainin and spoil all the fun they r gg to have. kwa kwa kwa.)
Labels: Surgery and da whining