Tuesday, September 04, 2007

im now enjoying this superb chilled choc drink mixed with baileys mintchoc. and it simply tastes far more than marvellous. its chocolicious!

all u need is
2 packets of Cadburyhotchoc rdytomake powder
ard 80ml of baileys mintchoc - 80ml = approx 1 vitagen.

make rdy ur extra chocolatey drink, add the baileys in, and den wait for it to cool. afterwhich, put it inside ur fridge to chill it.

and ta-da u get ur orgasmic xtra-chocolatey baileys mintchoc.

ive finally learnt mahjong. okay not that ive perfectly mastered it. but i think i can pass out as a decent player. so now, everyone is invited to challenge me to a game mahjong! its seriously addictive!

ive decided to change my style of bloggin, which is, to update tiny weeny bits of my recent encounters/gossips/reviews/activities/pornwebsite etc instead of slapping one full essay long of entry. in any case, if u'll not happy with it, do tell me abt it so that i can send u loads of virus emails.


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