wat a fun-filled xmas eve!!!
or shd i juz put it this way. it was the best out of the past few xmas's eves i had celebrated!!
this year. instead of headin back to town and gettin ourselves all wet and dirty. oh yes, not forgettin the obnoxious banglas and the evil aerosal sprays. we decided , or shd i say, the gals decided to book a chalet at eastcoast to try their best to spike our makan with a glimpse of hope of eating the guy's toufu.
but i muz say the guys of the rabbit year r smart and observant. we saw thru their conspiracy at a glance.
try harder next time gals!
ok back to the chalet. we played lotsa lotsa stuff! daidee. 24points. PSP. PS2. lotsa lotsa!
and not forgetting the bbq! yummilicious!
i was so tempted by the bbqed food dat my hands couldnt stop peeling the mouth-watering prawns. oh my. luckily the wound didnt show any unusual signs over the next few days.
the prawns and the chessy sausages were simply fantastic! to think abt it now, im actually drooling!
i dun care. invite me to ur next bbq session!
we also drank abit later at night. a plan came up by the gerls to make us all drunk so dat we can go out of our mind and do as the gerls wish.
but too bad. we are of a special breed of man! thou shall not eat choutoufus!
( i think im gg to be so dead during our next meeting with al hx jojo etc.)
its really cool to celebrate xmas with ur best buddies. although i left early on sat morning coz my mom wanted someone to keep an eye on the banglas while they re-painted our walls. and dat i suay suay kena guard duty on monday, which is if ure wondering, Christmas Day itself.
but still. dat 1day1night stay was simply fabulous. it has been quite a long time since the 4 of us last met and had fun tgt.
ok the 'had fun' part sounds wrong.
i really cant wait for our next meeting. hopefully newyear eve!
ecstatic! elated! erotic!
i shall start pestering them to keep dat day free from all other commitments.
unfortunately someone forgot to bring digi cam over to the chalet. so we hav no choice but to depend on my camera hp and my basic photoshop skills.
oh did i mention im tryin to master photoshop 7.0?!
although im still abit newbie. but it doesnt matter. its a new day everyday!
anw its kinda late oredi. and its rainin again. nice weather to sleep. but i do hope it stops tmr. feel like going out gai-gai.
and my room is 3/4 done. left some decos and the liquors!
everyone likes Andy's cheesy sausage. opps. i mean the one he cooked.
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