oh. did i mention im planning to take up SignLanguage after im done with my driving.

they also provide LipReading lessons. dats like super interesting la. do all the spies and detectives undergo dat course as well?
but first i hav to worry about my driving first. going to start planning and bookin my testdate for driving le. and of coz, pray hard dat i will pass on my first attempt.
afterwhich immediately apply for the June intake for the SignLanguage courses.
more money, more time and more skills!
i was chitchatting with junjie yesterday and the inspiring JJ set my thinkin of wat shd i do to full utilise the time i have and not waste it on staring at my tv and com during every book-out.
so instead of pickup up a new sport or recreation, ive decided to take up somethin much more different yet appealing.
and the SignLanguage course is going to take a year to complete. comprising of 3levels and 7stages. just nice after 1year i will be all prepared for ORD and enter a new phase of life. equipped with 2 new skills - driving and SignLanguage. No, not diving tyvm.
ahhh... im gg to head over to a library later and pick up some SignLanguage learners' book for complete idiots like me.
maybe i shd ask my frenz to go learn it too, so next time we can act pitiful by using SignLanguages on the street but actually bitching about passerbys lookin at us. kwa kwa kwa!
no one will be able to understand!
ok dats mean. forget it den.
i was thinkin other than driving, SignLanguage, wat other interesting courses shd i pick up?
was thinkin of kayaking. it has been a very long time since i last hold on to the paddle.
and i would hav forgotten all the basics already! i might juz capsize immediately upon adjusting my butt to the seat.
or maybe Fencing?! the art to selfdefense. but i find it abit useless to learn fencing. since in fencing, they only teach u how to wield a sabre blade. but in reality when u meet an aggressor, its almost impossible for you to find a tree branch similiar to the weapon u use during fencing lessons. moreover, the treebranch will be more fragile as well. so the money u dumped in to learn fencin juz goes down the drain... plus the money stolen by the robber.
or maybe i will just carry the sabra blade along with me when im outside... like dance with it during clubbing?
argh... such embarassment.
oh yar! FirstAidCourse! another something i wanna master, for life!
but theres a catch. Shd i go for the SingaporeRedCross society courses or the SAFMedical FirstAid courses?
" dun strangle me please"
the ahpek behind at the background looks like a barber giving someone a haircut. kwakwakwa!
theres a slight difference. since SAF firstaid comprises more of combat medical skills. example kena shot by a bullet... kena stung by a bee... kena 3rddegree burn from a detonation.
which is quite different from the civilian way of FirstAid. of coz CPR trainin is a compulsory thing for both.
hmmm... i think i prefer the civilian one. although i dun think its recognised in SAF.
( i spent an hour searching for available firstaid courses)
ok back! ive decided to sign up for StandardFirstAid course during March.
hopefully everythin will be smooth-sailing!
as ive said...
more money, more time, more skills!
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