laisiyan in a 'when jealousy overtakes me' mode.
i hav a confession to make.
sometimes i feel seriously inferior when ppl, or juz gals, compare looks. i would juz look down and stare hard while waiting impatiently for the next topic to arise. maybe i shd hav more confidence with my looks. BUT, do not for heavens sake, console me dat inner beauty is wat made me good-looking from the inside. excuse me?! the only thing dat emerged out from my inside is acne. thankyouverymuch.
so spare it, do not preach to me abt being helpful, caring and noble. i do agree dat it does make u looked more radiant and approachable. but please, giving seats to a pregnant lady won't make my pores clear and acne-free. it will only add to my karma and hence, reduce the frequency of me missing the train by dat few secs. or higher hopes for a sunny weather when im headin for a swim.
no. im not superficial. im just being frank. who doesnt want to look good and feel good. do not tell me dat u dont, for a slightest bit, admire those being chosen for XtremeMakeover. or do somethin abt the zits on ur face resulting from the curryfishhead u had last night. even staring at the mirror is an act of being superficial. why care abt a nice hairdo? why brush ur teeth twice daily? why EVEN brush ur teeth in the first place? why buy expensive facial products? why buy nice clothes? why go for diet? why visit watsons or guardian?
simple. coz u want to present the best of urself. and when i say best, i mean all-my-effort best. not heck-care best.
and if u still disagree with wat ive said and beg to differ,
pls go shave away ur hair and become a nun then.
no? afraid? even buying shampoos is being superficial. why cant u use bodysoap to wash ur hair? it still cleanses. ohhh.. i forgot. it doesnt moisturise ur hair wellenuff and prevent u from getting split-ends? not forgetting the lavender fragrance and the silkysmooth texture?
ta-da! i welcome u to the dark-side.
it all started out as a casual remark from my fren.
him " why learn photoshop?"
me " coz im ugly. thus i need to make sure i looked good in the photo. thankyouverymuch."
him " aiya. no need to care abt looks one wat"
me " haha. hey wait. is dat a zit on ur nose?!"
him " holycow! pass me my ultrastrong t3 formula right now! damn it! Adonis scammed my
300bucks per facial session! i could hav juz use the money for the new AX series jeans."
me " *yawn*"
ok la. the last few sentences r juz bullshit. but still, ppl do get superficial at times. would u even dare to drink a treat while clubbin from someone who looked a tad worse than MarkLee. or someone who is of the same league as say, JohnnyDepp?
oh wait r u gg to argue dat ur beloved JohnnyDepp is like an angel with triple-halos? like his character is of million times better than MarkLee?
" Is the often-lauded SexiestManAlive really this sloppy an eater? "
oh wat abt the charming OrlandoBloom?
say. even after acknowledgin all these. would u still decline the drink he offered u? which is like the dream of billions of girls worldwide? and go for MarkLee coz he's oways doing xtremestunts on national tv for charityshows?
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