Since i received feedbacks from some of my frenz dat my blogging-self is real different from my true self, i will not have no choice but to reveal my real identity.

yesh. ive been travelling the world for a very time as u might guess. It took me decades to climb the Great Wall of China, diggin through the graves of the Eygpt pyramid, swimmin across the Pacific Ocean, avoiding deadly stingrays in Australia and finally taking high risks to not expose my true identity at the Singapore Customs, of which i hid the chewing gums in my robe.
amused? dont be. for the power of darkness shall engulf u and transform u into

( Tok abt Memoirs Of The Para Para Geisha. gone completely wrong.)
So i dun wish to hear my dear 'other side' to oways complain abt ppl teasing him or ppl not respecting his decisons next time. u know best wat u will turn into.
And i have to remind u dat the real siyan is 'inside' me. for which i will only take over his body at night when he's most vulnerable to dustmite. his greatest fiend. ( no, not dracus fuglyfoy)
Of coz i understand he is experiencing some acne problems which has been troubling the delicate mind of his. i have to assure u dat the Philosopher's Stone is still doing its job. hopefully.
but no matter wat. im sure u all still love him for wu he is. and not becoz he is soon to become next topnotch blogger.
oh my. i feel him retaliating from inside.
how humble of him.
thinkin im making everythin up? behold!
*avada kedavra!
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