this is like gg to be the best entry for myself. as u know, its already past midnight which means my birthday is offically over. and it reli tempts me to post the 'loot' i got this year. so be it 'showing off' or 'hao-lianing'. Im just lovin it!
hanming and desmond brought me to this japanese restaurant. so authentic they sell a slice of honeymelon for 12.80. obviously we didnt get that but ate some reli costly blackpigmeat dishes. i grumbled when no spoon was given to drink the miso soup. had to reli follow the culture and drink it straight from the bowl! went walkin ard and stopped at a cafe to chill and relax. had good time catching up with des. juicy gossips and future endeavours. thanks hanming and desmond!
loot: Levi Signature Belt ( yes its so formal it has to be in caps)
i met my sis at bukitpanjang plaza where she pulled me along to harvey norman for a costly yet reali pleasant surprise. yes a mp3. some of you might hav heard me grumble abt always using my phone as my mps. dat bulky ugly looking hp. so my sis decided to get me a proper mp3. not wait, mp4! had quite a hard time choosing one i like and yet reasonably priced since i didnt reli want my sis to spend so much juz on the mp3. in the end i got this! thanks sister!
loot: Creative Zen V Plus with skin
went kboxing with my cousins today before meeting my sis and yet another pleasant surprise. some might know im always wearing that old torn watch. so now i finally got something to swtich with. and good riddance to my to-do list! thanks yiyi sis and ahfang!
loot: Everlast watch
as ive said. i met up with my buds not long ago for my bdae celebration and they got me this red wine which has my name dedicated on it. so its the one and only Siyan's wine! not forgetting my dinner and kbox session were both treated by them! much appreciated! thanks caier, peitang, cheexiong, lion, javier, huixuan, wanping, jojo, ailing!
loot: an ultra big bdae greeting card and wine specially bottled under my name
my mom, needless to say, being the most practical and realistic, gave me a 100bucks angpao and asked me to buy whatever i want to. i still haven decided wat to buy. but no matter wat. mommy i love u most! thanks mom!
loot: 100bucks angpao
i am really really thankful for wat u guys have done. i hav to admit i got touched ( ok abit mushy) when i saw the presents being drawn out from the carriers. this year's birthday was like the best out of the ones i had. words simply cant express my deepheartfelt gratitude for those whom hav one way or another accompanied me thru every phase of my life. i reli enjoyed every tiny weeny bit of my 20th birthday celebration with u guys. u all simply made my day better than better.!
thank you all so so much!
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