how unlucky can u get?
im running some 38degs fever which is like hell to me. it has been like how many donkey years since i last had my fever. so now i got nowhere to go, no chitchat gossips and ranting with my buddies, no johor supper with my family, and most most most importantly, not gg out with her.
nvm. i shall be a good boy and stay home and accompany my parents. my my, im reli a fillial son.
and yah, ive applied for my uni admission ler. kinda troublesome though. still need to 'appraise' myself. its like some " halo? im siyan and i love scouting and all my frenz think im cool and diligent. i will be sucha great asset to ur institution. do consider me yea?"
i so love boasting myself.
ok back to the point. was applying for ntu and they asked to write and describe an event/ person which has affected u somehow or rather. and suddenly many thing popped out in my head : scouting events? school events? embarassing moments? / my mother? my father? my sister? my gramps?
all of a sudden, a ray of light shone upon me and i thought of him...

please. dun ask me why i will think of writing abt him. its juz happened dat i was being enlightened by dat ray of light ( mah la kor las ka mas la kor).
and i decided to give up entering for uni and instead, find a bodhi tree and attain nirvana.
i was in this OBS WATCH called nehru. and we had to research ( given the limted tech in pulau ubin) on the political leaders. there were oso other great national leaders and pioneers such as elizabeth choy and and and... ok i forgot.
although i dunno whether issit alrite to write abt prominent political leaders for dat qn. i juz wrote.
and mind you. given my c6 gp, u can expect the admission office to simply throw my application into the junk.
but i dun care. for the glory of the great Jawaharal Nehru shines upon me.
and if u dun even know who the hell he is. i reli think u shd find urself a decent well and drown urself, or dash out and get squashed by a lorry, or stuff tonnes of anti-biotics inside ur mouth, or simply eat parsley.
okok. u get the idea
ok. i shall end this entry with one of my brilliant works ( notice the plural). for her.

jealous? dun be. =)
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